Phase 2: Corrective (Restorative) Care

Teaming Up For Optimal Health...

Corrective care addresses conditions that are more severe, recurring, or have persisted, with or without pain, for an extended period. These cases often require a longer and more intricate course of treatment. Once the intensity of your condition has lessened through the initial relief care, corrective (rebuilding) care aids in restoring normal function to your spine, muscles, supporting tissues, and the nerves they impact.

Many chiropractors see alleviating symptoms as the easier aspect of a person's care plan. If the chiropractic approach only focuses on pain reduction without addressing the root causes, the likelihood of the condition reappearing increases significantly.

At Advanced Healthcare, Dr. Pisarek emphasizes that to deter a swift recurrence of symptoms, ongoing chiropractic care is essential, even when your symptoms have subsided.

During this corrective (restorative) phase of your treatment, the frequency of adjustments may decrease compared to the initial care phase. Depending on your specific situation, you may start incorporating exercises and stretches either at our clinic, at home, or at a gym to expedite your healing.

It's normal to experience minor exacerbations of symptoms periodically during this correction (restorative) phase. This is expected and is often referred to as 'recovery symptoms' or 'retracing.' Such flare-ups are inevitable during this phase as your body is still in the process of complete healing. Depending on the severity and duration of your injury or condition, this phase of your care might extend from a few months to a couple of years.

During this 'rebuild' second phase of care, muscles and other tissues are given ample time to heal, thus helping to mitigate the risk of further injury. As Dr. Pisarek continues to make ‘adjustments’, your body is being taught to rebuild itself in a healthier state. Subluxation patterns are being rectified, enhancing your body's adaptability and vitality. As stored tension is released, you may also encounter brief episodes of symptoms akin to those experienced during previous physical or emotional stress, known as 'retracing or recovery' symptoms. Patients commonly report sustained enhancements in energy, relaxation, and overall physical well-being.

Typically, during this corrective, rebuilding phase, chiropractic care is typically needed 4-8 times per month for a duration of 4-24 months—varying based on your overall health, the nature and severity of your specific issue(s), and the progress and level of correction achieved so far.

Contact Dr. Pisarek at Advanced Healthcare by calling (416) 633-3000

or by clicking here to send him an email to find out how you

 can benefit from chiropractic wellness care.




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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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8:00 am - Noon 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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8:00 am - Noon 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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