What is Spinal Decompression Traction?

Herniated Disc?

  • Do you suffer from low back pain or neck pain from a herniated disc(s), degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, sciatica or failed spinal surgery?
  • Have you tried drugs and/or nerve block injections for pain management, physical therapy and/or exercise without getting relief?
  • Have you been told "you will just have to learn to live with the pain" or is your doctor recommending surgery?

Medical back specialist, Dr. Hamilton Hall, when interviewed on camera by CBC Marketplace's Erica Johnson on March 26, 2010, points out that approximately 80% of back pain sufferers get better on their own over time with self care such as staying active "with things that work" which may also include exercise, developing proper body mechanics and lifestyle skills such as how to sit, how to stand, how to lift, how to bend, etc., "all those things that people don't want to hear" ..." Just simple body mechanics, that makes all the difference."

But, for those chronic neck and back pain sufferers whom are outside of the aforementioned "80%" that get better on their own over time, the option of considering a treatment program of spinal traction should not be overlooked. Finally, there may be a non-surgical answer for spinal problems!

You don´t have to live with the pain anymore!

Our Triton® traction equipment is manufactured by Chattanooga, USA, which is the world’s largest manufacturer of rehabilitation equipment for treating musculo-skeletal, neurological and soft tissue disorders. For over six decades, Chattanooga has set a benchmark for leadership, reliability and excellence. Their  products contribute to better treatment outcomes in hospitals, clinics and home settings worldwide.

The Triton® solid-state traction technology system is designed to allow programming by professional health care providers of treatment time, amount of pull (traction) pressure and static (constant) or intermittent (variable, on/off) traction modes. It also features progressive step up and regressive step down cycles. The process is precise, which eliminates the risk for additional injury and has been hailed as an alternative to invasive and risky back surgery. Prospective patients must be carefully assessed to determine if this procedure will be safe and of benefit to them, as not all patients are good candidates for traction.

The Triton® uses traction, also referred to as "spinal decompression therapy”, which will cycle through pre-programmed patterns, the specific force of which is predetermined by your chiropractor, ramping up and down the amount of axial decompression allowing for higher levels of spinal traction and disc re-hydration. This action will slowly and gently elongate the spine to increase the intervertebral disc spaces and gently separating the bones of the lower back or neck, and, stretching and relaxing the surrounding soft tissue structures. During spinal decompression therapy, a negative pressure is created within the disc. Because of that negative pressure which also relieves the pressure on the outer fibers on the disc, disc material that has protruded or herniated can be assisted back within the normal confines of the disc and permit healing to occur. Pressure is released off of inflamed nerve roots allowing the inflammation to subside

With repeated treatments over a period of time, this allows for the outer fibers to heal and hold the gel-like material back in the center of the disc. Additionally, this negative pressure forces nutrients and fluid back into the disc to assist with re-hydration and healing of the disc. By altering the position of the traction pull and the height of the table, chiropractors may also localize the traction force to a particular segment of the spine and in a specific direction.

It should be noted that Traction, specifically addresses the functional and mechanical aspects of discogenic (caused by disc) pain such as herniated discs and degenerative disc disease. This modality and has been used by chiropractic practitioners for many years in effectively treating arm and leg pain (sciatica). Before the computer technology was available, and even now, chiropractors will occasionally do this manually. The research to develop the Triton® spinal traction/decompression procedure was conducted by prominent physicians, engineers and technicians at major teaching hospitals.

MRI picture of a lumbar disc herniation before and after a spinal decompression treatment

When combined with the high technology of safe and painless Low Level Laser Therapy - LLLT (also known as 'cold' laser therapy), there is an approximate direct effective 40% accelerated enhancement to the healing process rendering unparalleled rapid, effective and amazing treatment pain relief that enables most patients to return sooner to a more active lifestyle. During or following each session, a combination of several other physiotherapy modalities such as: cold or heat packs, electronic muscle stimulation/sedation or ultrasound may be applied to speed and enhance the healing process. Various chiropractic techniques, stretching exercises and core stabilization techniques may also be incorporated into the treatment regimen.

Treatments are painless. In fact, some individuals get immediate relief from their pain once decompression takes place. There is little evidence that shows traction alone is effective in managing low back pain. It is important that patients comply with the specific home exercises prescribed by their chiropractor to minimize the stresses on the disc, and partake in an appropriate strengthening and stabilization program when appropriate.  Your chiropractic practitioner can assist you with this.

Traction is effective for:

  • Bulging, prolapsed, or herniated discs
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Sciatic leg pain
  • Facet syndrome
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Neck pain
  • Pain radiating down the arm
  • "Pinched nerves"
  • Spondylitis

Neck Pain/ Radicular Arm Pain

The patient's head is comfortably positioned into a supportive device that pulls behind their neck gently distracting the joints in the upper part of their neck.  As more tension is used, distraction forces affect joints further down the spine.  It is through careful calibration and positioning that chiropractors are able to apply just enough tension to relieve symptoms.

Manual 'static' traction may also be utilized with the patient comfortably sitting upright in a chair with a harness attached to their neck as part of a over-door traction unit.

Back Pain/Sciatica 

A pelvic harness is worn by the patient. The specially equipped table on which the patient lies is slowly extended, and a distraction force is applied via the pelvic harness until the desired tension is reached. This is followed by a gradual decrease of the tension, and the cycle is repeated. The cyclic nature of the treatment allows the patient to withstand stronger distraction forces compared to static lumbar traction techniques. The level of tension is individually calibrated and recorded.  

Click here to view a typical 6 week 20 session therapy program.


  1. Ramos, G., & Martin, W. (1994). Effects of vertebral axial decompression on intradiscal pressure. Journal of Neurosurgery, 81 (3), 350-353. Retrieved April 19, 2002 from PubMed database.
  2. Andersson GB, Schults AS, Nachemson AL. (1983), “Intervertebral disc pressures during traction.” Scand J Rehabil Med; 9:88-91
  3. Earl E. Gose, William K. Naguszewski, and Robert K. Naguszewski. (1998), "Vertebral Axial Decompression Therapy for Pain Associated with Herniated or Degenerated Discs or Facet Syndrome: An Outcome Study." The Journal of Neurological Research, Volume 20
  4. Frank Tilaro, MD, Dennis Miskovich, MD., (January 1999). "The Effects of Vertebral Axial Decompression on Sensory Nerve Dysfunction in Patients with Low Back Pain and Radiculopathy." Canadian Journal of Clinical Medicine

Call us now at (416) 633-3000 for a brief courtesy, no obligation consultation
to determine if you are a candidate for our Laser Enhanced Triton®
Spinal Traction/Decompression Therapy Program.




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